Ethiopia’s Rainwater Harvesting Initiative Expands Clean Water Access to Over 4 Million in Drought-Stricken Areas
As Ethiopia continues to grapple with water scarcity, the program “My Dam at My Door” has significantly increased the number of Ethiopians with access to clean water, bringing the total to 74.6 million, according to Abraha Adugna, State Minister for Water Resources Management.
This initiative aims to address water scarcity and reduce dependence on diminishing groundwater sources, particularly in drought-prone regions. It promotes both traditional rooftop water harvesting and pond water collection as alternative sources of drinking water.
“Rainwater offers a solution when water quality is compromised during the rainy season or when traditional sources are distant from communities. Water supplies can become polluted due to industrial or human waste, or by the intrusion of minerals such as arsenic, salt (from downstream areas), or fluoride in the Rift Valley. Roof-harvested water is generally of good quality,” Adugna explained.
Previously, only 42% of Ethiopia’s population had access to safe drinking water. The “My Dam at My Door” initiative has contributed to a notable increase in national clean water coverage to 69.52%.
According to Adugna, “Collecting and storing water close to households enhances accessibility and has a positive impact on health.”