Author: WAJ Desk

Abdihakim Kalale. I'm reporter for The WAJ, based in Africa, focusing on Eastern Africa & African continent in large.

The United Nations is prepared to support South Sudan’s transitional process, according to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Nicholas Haysom. Speaking during the Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) Extraordinary Plenary, Haysom stated that the assistance would be provided in collaboration with the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), two of the UN’s key partners. However, Haysom noted that the UN remains dissatisfied with the approval of the extended transition period. “This extension proposal must be considered, as it is unfortunately clear that the country is not yet ready for elections that could reliably…

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Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the de facto leader of Sudan, praised U.S. President Joe Biden’s statement on Wednesday regarding the ongoing conflict in Sudan and pledged to work towards ending the bloodshed. He also accused the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of committing numerous atrocities. In direct response to President Biden’s remarks on Tuesday, General al-Burhan, the head of the Transitional Sovereign Council, stated, “The Sudanese government remains resolute and fully committed to ending the suffering of our citizens.” Al-Burhan expressed his gratitude for U.S. support for humanitarian efforts and said he shared Biden’s “deep concern” about the human cost of…

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The decision by South Sudan to postpone its first-ever elections for two years was met with “regret and disappointment” on Wednesday by eight Western diplomatic missions, including the U.S. Citing a lack of preparation, South Sudan’s transitional administration decided this week to push the national elections initially scheduled for December 2024 to December 2026. This marks the second time the country, which gained independence in 2011, has delayed elections, extending the transitional period that began in February 2020. Due to the nation’s economic difficulties, public employees and members of the armed forces have not been paid for nearly a year.…

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Nearly twenty Tanzanian cricket legends currently playing abroad are gearing up for the much-anticipated Cricket Heroes Tour, which is set to bring excitement to the nation in just over a month. The tour will feature renowned players from the UK, Canada, and the USA, with additional participants expected to join before the event kicks off. This marks the second gathering of cricket legends from both domestic and international circuits, offering a unique opportunity for fans to witness the prowess of these seasoned players. The event is scheduled to take place from October 25–27 in Dar es Salaam and the historic…

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A South African Freedom Fighter and Anti-Apartheid Leader Yusuf Dadoo, a prominent South African activist, remains a towering figure in the struggle against apartheid. Born on September 5, 1909, in Krugersdorp, Dadoo dedicated his life to fighting for the rights and freedoms of South Africa’s oppressed communities. His unwavering commitment to social justice and equality made him one of the most respected leaders in the country’s history. Early Life and Political Awakening Dadoo’s political journey began at a young age when he witnessed the harsh realities of racial discrimination in South Africa. He pursued his medical studies in the United…

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Tanzania has announced over 47 new commitments during the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) to improve working conditions for women in both formal and informal sectors. This move reflects the country’s push to tackle employment disparities, with only 25% of women employed in the formal sector and the rest working informally. Ms. Angellah Kairuki, advisor to President Samia Suluhu Hassan and chair of the Generation Equality National Advisory Committee, highlighted the private sector’s pivotal role in empowering women economically. “For sustainable growth and effective women-focused initiatives, integrating female inclusion into the core of business operations is essential,” she stated. Kairuki emphasized…

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President Hassan Sheikh has sought Turkiye’s mediation after weeks of standoff between the federal government and the regional state of Southwest, highlighting Somalia’s deepening ties with Turkey, a key security and development partner. According to official sources, President Hassan requested Turkish Ambassador to Somalia, Alper Aktas, to mediate between him and Southwest state leader Abdiaziz Laftagareen. Tensions have risen as the federal government and Southwest state hold conflicting views on several critical national issues. The President’s request includes assurances from Turkiye to handle Laftagareen’s security during his travels, addressing any concerns that might arise. According to Somali media, Laftagareen received…

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Nairobi, 18th September 2024 – Kenya is set to significantly advance its journey toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with the launch of the Social Health Authority (SHA) on October 1st, 2024. This announcement was made by Health Cabinet Secretary Dr. Deborah M. Barasa during a media breakfast at Sarova Panafric Hotel in Nairobi on September 18, 2024. The SHA, which will replace the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), is designed to provide affordable, accessible, and quality healthcare services to all Kenyans. The comprehensive benefit package for the SHA has been finalized, but current government funding covers only 4% of the…

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Witnesses and medical sources reported to international media that new fighting erupted between government forces and the Fano militias in the towns of Debark and Dabat in Ethiopia’s Amhara region, resulting in at least nine deaths and over thirty injuries. The violence, which began on Monday, continued into Tuesday. According to Ale Amlak, general manager of Debark Hospital, the facility has treated at least thirty combatants and civilians, including injured children, since Monday. Some individuals died before reaching the hospital. Amlak reported, “A church has been hosting a burial ceremony since yesterday.” He added, “I witnessed the burial of six…

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The Tanzanian government has vowed to continue enhancing cybersecurity to ensure that citizens can engage in social and economic activities online safely. The pledge was made by the Minister of Information, Communication, and Information Technology, Mr. Jerry Silaa, during the opening of the Connect 2 Connect conference in Arusha yesterday. The event brought together local and international stakeholders in the communications sector. “Tanzania is well-positioned in terms of cybersecurity, having made significant investments in this area. A dedicated unit within the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) focuses on combating communication piracy, overseeing cybersecurity issues, and coordinating safety measures across all…

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The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Party in Somali region has issued a statement condemning actions by Ethiopian authorities in the Somali Regional State, claiming these measures violate both “constitutional rights” and “the 2018 peace agreement” between the ONLF and the Ethiopian government. In the statement, released on September 18, 2024, the ONLF alleges that “Somali elders, women, and other community members have been paraded on television, coerced into humiliating themselves by denying their Somali identity.” The group also reports that authorities are “arresting individuals over rumors that the name and flag of the Somali State will be changed.” This…

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Thousands of residents in the Buri suburb, located east of Khartoum, are at risk of losing their lives due to a severe dengue and malaria outbreak, locals reported on Tuesday. Since the onset of the Sudanese conflict, the region has been under the control of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The ongoing fighting has exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation, making it nearly impossible to deliver commercial goods or humanitarian aid to the area. The lack of access to essential medications and medical supplies has left residents struggling to treat those infected. Locals have issued urgent pleas for help, requesting…

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The Basketball Africa League (BAL) is set to launch the second edition of its “BAL Future Pros” program, a unique initiative aimed at supporting early-career professionals in building their careers within Africa’s sports industry. In its fourth season, the program, which debuted last year, recruited 22 young professionals for roles across various departments of the BAL. Since then, five participants have been offered permanent positions within the league. The program’s second edition will kick off with a webinar on September 20, featuring BAL President Amadou Gallo Fall and BAL Ambassador Ian Mahinmi, who will mentor the selected participants throughout the…

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HelpAge International has launched research in four Kenyan counties to identify the challenges faced by older people and provide solutions. This follows widespread concern over the mistreatment of the elderly across the country, many of whom suffer abuse from close relatives or face humiliation due to financial constraints. During a sensitization workshop held by the international nonprofit at the Catholic Institute in Malindi town, it was agreed that the research would assist both state and non-state actors in finding long-term solutions to the problems affecting the elderly. According to Ms. Lydia Makena Micheni of HelpAge International’s Kenya Chapter, the study…

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Two senior Port Health officers at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) were apprehended by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). The EACC reported that during a Monday operation, a significant amount of cash was found on the officials. The officers, identified as Dedan Kamau Ndungu and Esther Mwihaki Mwangi, were arrested late Monday for allegedly issuing Yellow Fever vaccination certificates to foreign nationals without administering the required vaccination. EACC spokesperson Eric Ngumbi stated that the suspects violated health laws meant to prevent the spread of Yellow Fever by soliciting and accepting bribes in exchange for the certificates. Following their arrest,…

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U.S. President Joe Biden demanded on Tuesday that Sudan’s warring sides immediately begin peace talks to end the conflict, which has had a devastating impact on the nation for more than 17 months. In a statement, Biden urged all parties to cease hostilities for the sake of Sudan’s future. His remarks highlighted the need for restraint and prioritized peace, especially for General al-Burhan’s Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), which have been carrying out brutal military operations. The U.S. President underscored the importance of both the SAF and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in advancing peace efforts and ensuring unhindered humanitarian access…

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Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan has accused Western nations, including the United States, of interfering in Tanzania’s internal matters. Speaking in the Moshi region on Tuesday, Hassan criticized foreign diplomats who have called for an impartial investigation into the death of former opposition leader Ali Mohamed Kibao. Without specifying particular countries, Hassan referenced gun violence in the US and asserted that Tanzania does not involve itself in the internal affairs of other nations. The US Embassy had requested an investigation into Kibao’s death on September 9, after his body was found in Dar es Salaam with severed limbs. The day…

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A Russian delegation met with Sudan’s Minister of Minerals, Mohamed Bashir Abunommo, on Tuesday to discuss avenues for expanding economic cooperation, particularly in the mining sector. The discussions focused on fostering stronger industrial ties, boosting bilateral trade, and increasing investments in mining, a key economic sector for Sudan. Following the meeting, Minister Abunommo highlighted the positive outcomes of the discussions. “We had a productive exchange on how to strengthen our economic partnership, especially in the area of mining. Russia has extensive experience with modern mining technologies, which we are keen to benefit from as we seek to advance our own…

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The African Road Cycling Championship is set to take place in Eldoret City from October 9–13, with over 30 countries expected to participate. This cycling extravaganza marks the first time Kenya will host the event, and Eldoret, also known as the City of Champions, has been chosen as the venue. Uasin Gishu County, long renowned for its sporting excellence in athletics and volleyball, now has the opportunity to showcase itself as Kenya’s sports capital. The County Executive for Sports, Lucy Ng’endo, emphasized the significance of this event, stating that it will cement Uasin Gishu’s status as a major hub for…

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Somali government troops, in coordination with local militias, have successfully reclaimed Baraag Ali-Gaduud, a key Al-Shabaab stronghold in southern Mudug. The village, positioned 50 kilometers west of Harardhere, had served as a pivotal hub for the militant group to organize and launch attacks in the region. Military leaders overseeing the operation reported the destruction of key Al-Shabaab hideouts and the penetration of fortified positions, effectively crippling the group’s ability to mount assaults in nearby areas. They noted that this victory marks a significant milestone in the ongoing two-year effort to drive Al-Shabaab out of Mudug. Retaking Baraag Ali-Gaduud is not…

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The Somaliland Human Rights Commission (HRC) has expressed grave concerns over the extended detention of MP Mohamed Abiib at Mandera Prison, where he has been held for over two weeks without formal charges. Abiib was arrested on September 2 at Egal International Airport in Hargeisa upon his return from the United Arab Emirates. His arrest followed his public criticism of President Muse Bihi’s administration. After inspecting the detention facility, the HRC determined that MP Abiib’s parliamentary immunity had not been respected. The Commission has called on the Somaliland government to adhere to legal standards by ensuring Abiib’s right to due…

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On Sunday, top military leaders from China and Ethiopia committed to deepening their military partnership. Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, Chief of General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), is leading a high-ranking delegation to the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum. The forum, themed “Promoting Peace for a Shared Future,” is drawing a record number of participants, with over 100 countries and organizations in attendance. This year’s discussions will focus on key issues such as regional stability, global security, and cutting-edge defense technologies. Outside the main sessions, Field Marshal Birhanu and General Liu Zhenli, Chief of Staff of the CMC…

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Somalia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, clarified that the nation’s primary concerns lie with the Ethiopian government, not its people, whom he described as “respectful and progressive.” During a meeting with Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, the Chief Executive Secretary of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Fiqi emphasized that Somalia’s sovereignty was being violated by the Ethiopian government. Ethiopia, in violation of international law, had reportedly struck a deal with Somaliland recognizing the breakaway territory as a sovereign state in exchange for access to the Red Sea for port development and military facilities. At a joint press conference in Mogadishu,…

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The Camp David Accords, signed in 1978, represent one of the most significant peace agreements in the history of the Middle East, fundamentally altering the geopolitical landscape of the region. Brokered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the presidential retreat of Camp David in Maryland, the agreements brought together Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, leading to a framework for peace between Egypt and Israel after decades of conflict. Background to the Camp David Accords For many years, Egypt and Israel had been in a state of hostility, marked by wars, border disputes, and political tension.…

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The Central Bank of South Sudan announced on Monday a new limit on cash withdrawals. From now on, the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from the Bank of South Sudan and all commercial banks through any method is capped at SSP 10,000,000. Withdrawals exceeding SSP 10 million must be conducted through interbank transactions, which include using mobile money providers or bank accounts managed by the banking sector. The Central Bank also stated that it would strengthen its enforcement of anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures, including Know Your Customer (KYC) and customer due diligence requirements. In a…

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Leaders in Mandera County are urging the government to reconsider the prolonged closure of the Mandera border, citing potential benefits for revenue collection and economic development. The border has been closed for over a decade, but residents and officials argue that this measure has not entirely prevented illicit cross-border trading, which adversely affects legitimate businesses. The border closure was initially implemented to curb terror attacks by Al Shabaab and to combat contraband smuggling through the porous border. While the closure has alleviated some security concerns, Mandera Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif has suggested that reopening the border with stringent security measures…

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The Turkish government, in partnership with South Sudan, broke ground on a new prison in Juba.The $30 million project, which will accommodate 1,216 inmates, is being executed by Mehmet Veysi Gonuc Construction (MVG) in collaboration with MADO Construction and Enterprise Company Limited. The 1,500-square-meter facility is located in Kapuri, Luri Payam, and is expected to be completed within ten months. Central Equatoria State Governor Gen. Augustino Jadalla Kamilo Wani, speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, emphasized that the facility will help ease the overcrowding at Juba Central Prison. “This facility will have a major impact on the people here, particularly the…

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On Monday, during the General Conference in Vienna, Somalia officially became a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Somalia stated that its membership reflects the country’s commitment to advancing the peaceful use of nuclear energy, marking a significant milestone in its development. A statement from the office of the prime minister described the event as “a historic moment for our nation, underscoring our commitment to peaceful nuclear engagement and sustainable development.” Aweis, Somalia’s Minister of Information, expressed optimism, saying, “Somalia looks forward to working with the international community to leverage nuclear technology for the benefit of our country…

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Amid widespread reports of intense fighting that has devastated camps, hospitals, and critical infrastructure, the United Nations urged the warring factions in Sudan to protect civilians in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur. Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the UN’s Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, expressed deep concern over the deteriorating conditions in El Fasher, home to hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people who are already at risk of life-threatening hunger. Reports indicate that famine conditions have already emerged at the Zamzam camp in El Fasher. Estimates from the International Organization for Migration suggest that at least 250 people were…

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Due to a funding shortage, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Party announced on Monday that it had accepted the long-overdue postponement of the general election, now set for December 2026. The transition period, originally scheduled to begin in February 2025 and end in February 2026, has been extended by 24 months, according to a statement from the presidency on Friday. During a press conference in Juba, Peter Lam Both, Secretary General of the SPLM, explained that the ruling party was forced to accept the extension due to financial constraints. “The reality is that even our citizens, I believe, will…

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Sudanese refugees in Chad have reportedly rejected humanitarian aid from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), calling on the country to cease its alleged military support for the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), according to a refugee who spoke to Sudanese media.The UAE’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, Lana Nusseibeh, visited Chad on Friday and saw a field hospital in Abéché that was constructed with funding from the UAE to care for Sudanese refugees. “Around 100 refugees met with Nusseibeh at the UNHCRheadquarters in Abéché and informed her of their categorical refusal of any humanitarian aid provided by…

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The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has received a $6.6 million grant from the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) to enhance its capacity to develop a robust financial architecture and promote inclusive and equitable growth. The Somalia Financial Sector Development Project aims to strengthen the capacity of financial institutions—including the Financial Reporting Center (FRC), the Central Bank of Somalia, and the Somalia Development and Reconstruction Bank—to implement effective credit delivery strategies and enforce anti-money laundering (AML) and counterterrorism financing (CFT) policies. Through specialized training and support, it will also improve knowledge of the financial sector.Director of AfDB’s Financial Sector Development…

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Following the destruction of Al-Shabaab hideout in the Lower Jubba region, the Somali National Army’s Danab forces and Jubbaland security forces stand guard, demonstrating ongoing efforts to eradicate militant presence in the area. Several Al-Shabaab militants were killed early on Sunday in a battle in Janay Abdalla, Lower Jubba, by Jubbaland troops and Somali government forces. This was the latest offensive in the government’s ongoing campaign to destroy the militant group. When Al-Shabaab militants attacked a military base in Janay Abdalla that was manned by Jubbaland armed units and Somali National Army (SNA) forces, the fighting broke out. The militants…

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According to a local NGO, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) were responsible for at least 40 civilian deaths on Sunday in Gezira State, Sudan. A non-governmental organization called the Abu Gouta Resistance Committee stated that “RSF attack on Gouz Al-Naqa village of Abu Gouta area in Gezira State killed at least 40 civilians.” Xinhua News Agency published a statement saying several corpses remained exposed in Al-Naqa village, as the RSF is preventing displaced people from returning home to bury the dead. After taking over the capital Wad Madani in December 2023 and forcing the army to retreat after intense…

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By the end of this month, Arusha, Tanzania will host both the World Tourism Day celebrations and East Africa’s largest indoor travel and tourism event. The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) and Rethinking Tourism Africa (RTA) are collaborating to organize the event, which is scheduled for September 26–27. The presence of a senior UN tourism official, who will oversee the proceedings, underscores the significance of this occasion. According to John Saragu, RTA Coordinator, Marcel Leijzer, the UN’s Technical Cooperation Manager, will represent the organization at these key events in the tourism industry. This announcement was made during a press conference…

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The continuous armed conflict wreaking devastation on El Fasher city in Sudan’s North Darfur province has deeply saddened and frustrated Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan. “This is heartbreaking and must stop. There is no excuse for direct attacks on civilians, their worth, and essential facilities such as hospitals. These are protected under international humanitarian law. Parties to the conflict must refrain from targeting the city,” she stated in a statement. The United Nations stated that initial reports show that violent fighting escalated in El Fasher on September 12, risking thousands of lives, mostly in internally…

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Today, the head of Sudan’s armed forces traveled to neighboring South Sudan for discussions with President Salva Kiir. Burhan has visited South Sudan twice since the onset of the devastating conflict in his nation. Upon Gen. Al-Burhan’s arrival, South Sudan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramadan Goc, told the media that the discussions between the two leaders would focus on matters of mutual concern. “There are many pressing issues for both nations. The public will be informed of the topics discussed at a joint press conference to be held by the foreign affairs ministries of South Sudan and Sudan after their…

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Workneh Gebeyehu, the executive secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), arrived in Mogadishu on Monday. He is expected to have high-level discussions, with Somali leaders and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Speaking on behalf of a team of Somalis welcoming the IGAD Executive Secretary, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Moallin Fiqi stated that further regional development measures will be discussed during the talks. The creation of a Blue Economy Center of Excellence in Somalia, climate change, and regional security will also be major topics of discussion, according to Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia. A…

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When the Mpox vaccine becomes available this year, thousands of truck drivers will be among the first Kenyans to receive it, according to new recommendations. To prevent disease and death, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that individuals most at risk be prioritized for vaccination. The Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers Union, a lobby group, claims that at least 10,000 licensed long-distance truck drivers are based in Kenya. Of the five Kenyans who contracted Mpox, four are truck drivers, and one is a trucker’s spouse. According to the Ministry of Health, Kenya will require roughly two million…

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Governor Abdulswamad Nassir recently announced that residents of Mombasa County will soon be able to access free cancer screenings. The initiative, aimed at promoting early diagnosis and treatment, was unveiled at a memorial service for actress Winnie Bwire, who recently passed away from cancer. Bwire was widely recognized for her role as Dida in the Swahili telenovela Sultana. The memorial service, held at the Little Theatre Club, was attended by renowned artists from across the nation who came together to celebrate Bwire’s life and career. During the event, Governor Nassir highlighted the county’s forthcoming cancer awareness initiatives, underscoring the importance…

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The TPLF, the former ruling party of Ethiopia from 1991 to 2018, is currently battling deep internal divisions that threaten regional stability and obstruct its efforts to recover. After two years of fighting, displacement, and humanitarian crises, the population is already severely impacted by these tensions, which have reached a critical level. The situation has gotten worse despite the Pretoria Peace Agreement being signed in November 2022 due to internal party disputes and unresolved issues surrounding the restoration of its legal status. In recent weeks, the TPLF has become more divided, leading to a power struggle between two factions: Getachew…

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According to a statement from the Egyptian state information service, Abbas Kamel, the head of Egypt’s General Intelligence Service (GIS), and Badr Abdelatty, the minister of foreign affairs, traveled to Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, where they met President Isaias Afwerki. In addition to following regional political and security developments, Kamel and Abdelatty conveyed a message from President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to his counterpart in Eritrea regarding strategies to strengthen bilateral relations in various areas of concern. Afwerki shared his assessment of the Red Sea developments with the Egyptian foreign minister and head of intelligence, pointing out that favorable…

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Five soldiers were killed and nine others were injured when a Sudanese army warplane unintentionally bombed a location inside the Sixth Infantry Division headquarters in El Fasher, North Darfur, according to a military statement. According to a statement from division commanders in El Fasher, the incident happened while the air force was reacting to attempts by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to infiltrate the city. The unintentional strike was caused by “high interference,” a military spokesperson told Sudanese media.The spokesperson refuted claims that forces affiliated with the Sudan Liberation Movement were present at the location or that the strike…

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Türkiye reports that the third phase of the mediation talks between Ethiopia and Somalia under the Ankara Process, originally scheduled for September 17, has been postponed indefinitely with no new date set. No official explanation was provided for the delay, but Turkish experts believe it was postponed due to rising hostilities in the region. Somalia’s Foreign Minister, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, suggested that Somalia might consider supporting Ethiopian rebel groups if Ethiopia proceeds with its contentious agreement with Somaliland. Nebiyu Tedla, Ethiopia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union, criticized Somalia’s Foreign Affairs Minister’s remarks regarding support for Ethiopian rebels, calling…

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Concerns about recruiting and arming of African refugees in Israel for “life-threatening” operations are brought up by military sources. According to Haaretz, Israel is recruiting African refugees in exchange for permanent residency status in exchange for “life-threatening” operations in Gaza. According to defense officials who spoke with Haaretz, the project of recruiting is being carried out in a planned way with the help of legal advisors from the defense establishment. About 30,000 Africans are looking for asylum in Israel. Politicians who are hostile to immigrants, such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have increased their pressure on them by calling them “infiltrators”. A man who…

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In the capital of Somalia, roadside explosions have left five people dead and eight others injured. Somali government officials confirmed that 5 people were killed and eight others were injured by roadside explosions in Kahda district of Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia. Abdullahi Sheikh Abdirahman, the district commissioner of Mogadishu’s Kahda district, informed reporters that an explosive device had been planted at a location in a street where a large number of young people had gathered to take pictures. Minutes after the first exploding a witness told local radio, “I saw several people lying on the street, and when…

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According to remarks made on Universal TV on September 12, there has been a sharp increase in tensions since Somalia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, implied that Ethiopia might back rebels inside Ethiopia if it moves forward with implementing a contentious agreement with Somaliland. Fiqi’s comments are in response to a memorandum of understanding that Somaliland and Ethiopia signed earlier this year. In exchange for Ethiopia potentially recognizing Somaliland’s independence, Ethiopia is granted access to the Red Sea via Somaliland’s coastline. Given that Somalia views Somaliland as a part of its territory, Somalia is strongly against this move.…

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Three presidential candidates have received official candidacy certificates from the Somaliland Electoral Commission as the countdown to the November elections heats up. At the commission headquarters in Hargeisa today, President Muse Bihi Abdi, representing the ruling Kulmiye party, and Faisal Ali Warabe from the UCID party, and Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro of the Waddani party both received their certificates as Breakaway region 2 main opposition parties. This approval to participate in the dual elections set for November 2024 has been granted to the seven political organizations, namely Kaah led by the famous politician Mohamud Hashi in coalation with Waddani,Hilaac, Barwaqo, Rajo, Talo Wadaag,…

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The “cessation of hostilities” between the two regions has been declared by the Ministry of peace and National Committee, which was established to settle the dispute between Somali and Afar. This announcement was made at a meeting called by the National Committee to assess the first part of its operations. The presidents of both regions, federal and regional security officials, Temesgen Tiruneh, Deputy Prime Minister, and Binalf Andualem, Minister of Peace, were present at the meeting. The National Committee announced that “the first phase of its operation was successful” in a statement to state media, clearing the way for the second…

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Once again extending the transitional period stipulated in a 2018 peace agreement, South Sudan’s transitional government announced that the eagerly anticipated elections scheduled for December 2024 would be rescheduled for an additional two years. Although President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar’s 2013–2018 civil war was put to an end by a peace agreement six years ago, the two men’s constant animosity has repeatedly stalled a transition that was meant to clear the way for subsequent elections. The announcement represents the most recent postponement of elections in the youngest country in the world, as earlier plans for elections…

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In order to support the hiring of qualified individuals who can close skills gaps in Germany’s labor market and to make it easier for Kenyans who don’t have the legal right to continue living in Germany to return home, German and Kenyan officials signed an agreement in Berlin.German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Kenyan President William Ruto signed the agreement while Ruto was in Germany.Following the signing ceremony, Scholz told reporters that the agreement was significant and represented a strategy by Kenya and Germany to work together more closely on migration.”This can help us make up for a shortage of skilled…

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Tanzania has the potential to produce sufficient electricity, as evidenced by the electric train service between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, says Dr. Doto Biteko, the Minister of Energy and Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Biteko, who traveled on the electric Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train to Dodoma, expressed confidence in Tanzania’s power capacity, stating that the service reflects the country’s reliability in its energy supply. “The fact that Tanzania can generate enough electricity is demonstrated by the electric SGR train journeys,” Dr. Biteko remarked. He added that stable electricity not only powers modern transportation but also lays the foundation for…

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Acting Inspector General Gilbert Masengeli was found guilty of contempt of court and was given a six-month prison sentence by the High Court.He is required to present himself to the Commissioner General of Prisons by order of Justice Lawrence Mugambi. “In event he doesn’t submit himself CS Interior must take all steps to ensure he is committed to prison to serve sentence,” the judge stated.However, Masengeli might be able to avoid serving the sentence if he shows up in court within the next seven days, according to Mugambi.”Masengeli can redeem himself by availing himself before this court in person to…

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The African Union said on Thursday that it had held discussions this week with representatives from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in an effort to secure assistance in putting an immediate end to the conflict in Sudan.From September 9 to 12, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the head of the African Union’s high-level panel on Sudan (HLP-Sudan), traveled to both nations. According to Chambas, the AU is pushing for a ceasefire, unrestricted access for humanitarian aid, and an extensive political dialogue because it thinks there is no military solution to the conflict.Reviving the Jeddah peace talks and getting the warring…

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Field Marshal Berhanu Jula, Chief of the General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), has been reported to have made “provocative statements.” The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has released a statement “strongly condemning” these claims. The ONLF’s statement alludes to a video that Field Marshal Berhanu released on Ethio-Forum on September 8, 2024, characterizing the party as an Egyptian-created “enemy of the Ethiopian state.”The ONLF describes these claims as “blatantly attacking the integrity and legality of the ONLF as a recognized political party” and “unfounded.”These comments, according to the organization, “contradict the spirit and letter” of the…

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The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) stated on Thursday that it was pleased with the progress made in discussions between the House of Representatives and the High Council of State regarding the Central Bank of Libya and hoped the parties would come to a final agreement. “The mission welcomes the progress achieved on the principles, criteria, and timeline that should govern the interim period leading to the appointment of a new governor and board of directors for the Central Bank. However, it regrets that the two parties have yet to reach a final agreement,” UNSMIL  said  on their…

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The region of Somaliland is an integral part of Somalia, as reiterated at the third meeting of the Arab League’s ministerial group, which is tasked with overseeing the implementation of the League’s decision to support the Federal Republic of Somalia in its defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. They also emphasized that the decision is grounded in the principles of the UN and Arab League charters. The ministerial group met on Tuesday at the foreign ministers’ level during the 162nd session of the Arab League. The media reports that the group stressed that “any arrangements regarding this region should stem…

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Ethiopian troops will withdraw from Somalia upon the conclusion of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in December 2024, as confirmed by Somali Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre.Prime Minister Barre emphasized the government’s duty for maintaining national security during his visit to Baidoa this week, and he gave assurances that al-Shabaab would not be able to take advantage of the circumstance. The post-ATMIS plan that the federal government has prepared will ensure the security of the country in the absence of foreign troops. “Somali forces have assumed control of security in those areas, and seven thousand ATMIS soldiers have…

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 U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa Ambassador Mike Hammer met with President Getachew Reda of the Tigray Interim Administration to discuss the opportunities and challenges of implementing the Pretoria Peace Agreement.Dimtsi Weyane says that during their conversation, they looked at potential solutions to advance the agreement as well as particular roadblocks that needed to be addressed. The commitment of the United States government to assist the Tigray interim administration in fulfilling its mandate quickly was reaffirmed by Ambassador Hammer.On his behalf, President Getachew underlined the necessity of unified international pressure to carry out the agreement in its entirety,…

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Ethiopia’s Rainwater Harvesting Initiative Expands Clean Water Access to Over 4 Million in Drought-Stricken Areas As Ethiopia continues to grapple with water scarcity, the program “My Dam at My Door” has significantly increased the number of Ethiopians with access to clean water, bringing the total to 74.6 million, according to Abraha Adugna, State Minister for Water Resources Management. This initiative aims to address water scarcity and reduce dependence on diminishing groundwater sources, particularly in drought-prone regions. It promotes both traditional rooftop water harvesting and pond water collection as alternative sources of drinking water. “Rainwater offers a solution when water quality…

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Reportedly, the Somali branch of the so-called Islamic State, which is well-known for its stronghold in the northeastern Bari region of Puntland state in Somalia, has been involved in the export of small amounts of locally mined gold.The International Crisis Group reports that since 2022, the group’s funding has reportedly accumulated to the tune of $6 million, a figure that is attributed to this activity.ISIS-Somalia’s gold mining and export ventures demonstrate not only the group’s economic activity but also its adaptability and operational prowess in the abrasive Bari region.The fact that ISIS-Somalia is involved in the gold trade highlights its…

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