Author: WAJ Desk

Abdihakim Kalale. I'm reporter for The WAJ, based in Africa, focusing on Eastern Africa & African continent in large.

New Zanzibar Travel Insurance Rule Faces Backlash from Tourism Industry The new requirement for tourists visiting Zanzibar to obtain inbound travel insurance has sparked strong criticism from the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO). TATO Chairman Wilbard Chambulo expressed his opposition to reporters yesterday, citing the new policy set to take effect on October 1. This policy mandates that travelers must have both insurance and an e-Visa, which costs $44 for non-resident visitors. Chambulo criticized the rule as unreasonable and burdensome for travelers. “Requiring tourists to purchase additional insurance through a government-run corporation is unnecessary, as most foreign tourists already…

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Kenya is preparing to enhance its military cooperation with South Korea in areas such as shipbuilding, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity as part of efforts to support regional peace and stability. Speaking ahead of the Seoul Defense Dialogue, Defense Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya emphasized the growing collaboration between the two countries. She highlighted the significance of this partnership, noting that South Korea’s support has been instrumental in strengthening Kenya’s defense sector, particularly in enhancing maritime security and peacekeeping operations. Tuya is in Seoul for government-to-government discussions with South Korean officials. She stressed the importance of this cooperation in safeguarding vital…

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The Deposition of Emperor Haile Selassie and the Rise of the Derg Regime On September 12, 1974, Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown by the Derg, a Soviet-backed military junta formally known as the Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Territorial Army. This coup ended the Ethiopian monarchy, paving the way for the Derg to rule Ethiopia until May 28, 1991. The Build-Up to Revolution: 1960 Coup Attempt and Student Movements The coup attempt of December 1960 marked the beginning of serious cracks in Haile Selassie’s regime. While the attempt, led by Germame Neway and Mengistu Neway, failed to…

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While African leaders convened in Beijing last week for the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, the state of affairs in Somalia continues to stand in sharp contrast to the continent’s overall improving relations with China. Somalia’s state makes it an exception to China’s financial incentives offered to many African countries in exchange for access to Africa’s abundant raw materials, which are vital resources.In addition to internal corruption and long-standing clan rivalries that have hampered Somalia’s governance and development for more than three decades, the country still faces threats from the al-Shabaab militia. Even though it is a noteworthy gesture,…

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According to the health ministry, Sudan has recorded 6,968 cases of cholera, with 242 deaths reported across eight states. This indicates the increasing burden the ongoing conflict is placing on the nation’s healthcare system. The ministry reported that in five states—Kashsala, Gedaref, Red Sea, River Nile, and Northern—there had been 411 new cases and 12 deaths, bringing the total number of cases to 6,968 with 242 deaths.According to the World Health Organization, the fighting that broke out in April between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) had a severe impact on Sudan’s health system, leaving 80% of…

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Five young sailors, aged 11 to 15, will represent Tanzania at the International Optimist Dinghy Association (IODA) African Optimist Championships, according to the Tanzania Sailing Association (TSA). The event will take place in Mahé, Seychelles, from September 14 to 21. The TSA announced in a press release that the young sailors have been training at Msasani Bay. The association thanked the sailing community for their ongoing support of these athletes, noting that four of them had previously competed in the African Championships. The sailors selected for the competition hail from the Kigamboni Sailing Center and the Dar es Salaam Yacht…

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Somaliland, the breakaway region, maintains that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ethiopia regarding access to the Red Sea has been finalized, but that both parties still need to finalize a legal agreement. In Hargeisa, the Somaliland’s capital, diplomats were informed of the development by regional minister for foreign affairs and international relations Essa Kayd, who described it as “significant and imminent.” A few months prior, Kayd had stated that the agreement was being implemented as planned, mentioning that only a few details needed to be finalized. The agreement is being worked on by a team of high-level advisors and a…

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The sanctions against Sudan, which include travel restrictions, asset freezes, and an arms embargo, were unanimously renewed by the UN Security Council on Wednesday for an additional year, ending on September 12, 2025. The resolution, which was approved in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter, intends to impose sanctions on those who and groups that support the conflict in Sudan and limit the supply of weapons into Darfur. According to the US delegate, the revitalization gives the Darfuri people a crucial indication that the world community is still concerned about their situation. The delegate from the United Kingdom…

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Six persons, including three children, have died as a result of an outbreak of dengue fever in Sudan’s East Nile district’s Soba East area, according to a health official’s report on Tuesday. The majority of the 32 instances of the virus, which is spread by mosquitoes, have been reported by the East Nile Emergency Room and are centered in the neighborhoods of Al-Shaqila, Al-Salama, and Al-Toweirab. Severe stomach pain, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, skin rash, low blood pressure, and breathing difficulties are some of the signs and symptoms of dengue fever. In tropical and subtropical areas, the illness spreads quickly and…

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The president of the South West state, Abdulaziz Laftagareen, has received a warning from Somalia’s Minister of Defense, Abdulkadir Mohamed Noor, over his backing Ethiopian troops in Somalia.The minister declared in a statement that the people of South West State will never submit to the might of a “historical enemy.” “I speak especially to my people who live in the Lower Shabelle, Bakool, and Bay regions. “We will never be confronted by a past foe who our forefathers rejected from invading upon our territory and occupying our populace,” Abdulkadir declared. His words came after those of the state president of…

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Even as the Kenya Aviation Workers Union (KAWU) confirmed that the strike began at midnight, a few travelers who spoke with local media said the airport was at a complete standstill. Anger erupted when boarding and takeoff were delayed, leaving long lines of stranded passengers. Since last month, KAWU has been waging a strike in protest of the proposed leasing of JKIA to the Indian conglomerate Adani Group. The strike has been escalating for several weeks. It also came after the union and government officials’ negotiations broke down. Over the past few weeks, aviation workers have expressed their opposition to…

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According to people familiar with the situation, Turkiye and Somalia have discussed setting up a location for missile and space rocket tests from the Horn of Africa nation. The people, who wished to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive topics, claimed that Ankara’s ballistic-missile program necessitates long-range testing and that Somalia’s position on the eastern tip of mainland Africa makes it perfect for firing toward the Indian Ocean. They claimed that because the nation is near the equator, it would be an ideal location for a space port. Experiments conducted close to the equator can also help space rockets fly farther…

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Ali Karti has been elected as the president of the Broad Islamic Current, a coalition of Islamist Movements in Sudan, the coalition announced in a statement on Monday. According to a coalition statement, Ali Karti, a former foreign minister and secretary-general of the powerful Islamic Movement, accepted the role and promised to carry out an ambitious agenda.After longtime President Omer al-Bashir was overthrown in 2019, he has not been in the public eye, though authorities did want him during the transition. The coalition acknowledged that the election was held in Sudan, but it did not say where or how it was held.The…

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The Djiboutian government changed its decision, of offering Ethiopia full control over a port. This move was intended to defuse tensions in the Horn of Africa, specifically the ongoing standoff between Somalia and Ethiopia over access to Sea. Djibouti claims Ethiopia will be given partial management of the port of Tadjourah, to strenght trade ties with Ethiopia. An earlier offer for complete operational oversight had been made to Ethiopia. The minister of foreign affairs of Djibouti, Mohamed Ali Youssouf, had made suggestions that Ethiopia should be granted full control and access to the port of Tadjourah as a calculated move to reduce…

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Ethiopia Celebrates Enkutatash: Welcoming the New Year with Tradition and Joy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Ethiopia is celebrating its New Year, known as Enkutatash, with a series of vibrant events and cultural activities. This unique celebration, which takes place on September 11th according to the Ethiopian calendar, is a significant cultural event for Ethiopians and is marked with traditional festivities and community gatherings. Historical Background Enkutatash, meaning “gift of jewels” in Amharic, has deep historical roots in Ethiopia. The celebration is linked to the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the harvest season, which is a time…

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During a recent discussion on Horn of Africa affairs, elders from the Somali regional state in Ethiopia urged Somalis to “refrain from involving themselves in a war that does not concern them”.Ogaden clan Elder Garaad Kulmiye Garaad Mohamed presided over the meeting, which covered current regional concerns and stressed the value of stability. The elders talked about Ethiopia’s efforts to gain access to the sea, characterizing it as a project for the country’s overall development. Garaad highlighted the interdependence of regional interests by emphasizing that “anything harmful to Ethiopia also harms the people of the Somali region.” Protecting the nation’s…

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Dozens of Women and Children Reported Missing in Mogadishu: Allegations of Trafficking Involving Government Officials This year, Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, has witnessed a troubling rise in reported cases of missing women and children. Recent investigations suggest that these individuals may have fallen victim to human trafficking networks, with allegations pointing towards involvement by government officials. Allegations of Trafficking and Exploitation According to reports, many of the missing girls and women are suspected to have been trafficked to other countries, including Saudi Arabia and various nations across the Arabian Peninsula. The primary concern is that these individuals are being…

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Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio party, has received the support of a group of young leaders from thirteen African nations in his bid for the top position on the African Union (AU) Commission.His vision for the continent was deemed authentic by the youths under the Pan African Youth Convention and Cross-section of Africa Major Youth Stakeholder Groups in a statement. They went on to say that he doesn’t back down from the very real difficulties facing Africa. “He has a burning desire to bring about progressive change throughout the continent. He is a positive, strong, and passionate individual.…

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On Sunday, the University of Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State, the largest public university in the state, celebrated the inauguration of a brand-new library complex gifted by the Eritrean community in South Sudan. This state-of-the-art facility marks a significant enhancement in the university’s infrastructure. During the handover ceremony, Yohannes Teklemicael, the Eritrean ambassador to South Sudan, highlighted the library’s potential to enrich the educational experience for students. “This library will enable students to broaden their knowledge and skills, ultimately benefiting the nation,” Teklemicael said. He emphasized the deep historical ties between Eritrea and South Sudan, reflecting on the shared commitment to…

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A group Somali Youth in Galdogob, Puntland of Somalia, are battling the devastating effects of drought and protecting their families from poverty by utilizing modern farming techniques. Thanks to their training in greenhouse agriculture and irrigation systems, these young people have secured stable jobs, giving their families who are suffering from the drought much-needed financial support.One of the young laborers who is changing his life via modern farming is Abdifatah Amin Khalif. Working on two farms, he makes $30 a day, which enables him to send $100 to $200 a month to his family in rural Mudug, who lost most…

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Currently a convict in the  United States, Mohamed Abduba Dida first gained attention in 2013 when he publicly declared his candidacy for president against Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta.Since November 18, 2022, the former teacher has been incarcerated for seven years for the crime of intimidating and stalking an unnamed US resident.When Dida was detained for these offenses, it was unclear if he had moved to the US or was merely visiting. The offenses were committed in Illinois’s Mclean County.Dida was charged with two violations during the trial: stalking and sending threats, and aggravating stalking and violating the victim’s restraining order.For…

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Seven long-detained senior members of the opposition political party, the Oromo Liberation Front, were finally freed by the Ethiopian government last week.It was never appropriate for Abdi Regassa, Dawit Abdeta, Lammi Begna, Michael Boran, Kenessa Ayana, Gaada Oljira, and Gaada Gebissa to be detained, much less imprisoned.The government disregarded numerous court orders for their release, and they were held in custody for four years without being charged. Human Rights Watch’s research uncovered numerous instances of the authorities violating their rights. They were kept incommunicado or forcibly disappeared for months at a time, with their families and attorneys unaware of their…

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The Grade 12 national examination results were released by the Ministry of Education (MoE), and it was found that 5.4% of students received the required minimum passing score of 50%. 36,409 of the 684,405 students who took the exam and passed the criteria required are now qualified to apply to universities. Eight percent or so of the students took exams online. With a score of 675 out of 700 on the 2024 Grade 12 national exit exam, a student from Kallamino School in the Tigray Regional State achieved the highest score.The Minister of Education, Professor Berhanu Nega, briefed the media…

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On Monday, Hussein Awad, the foreign minister of Sudan, and Badr Abdel-Aty, the foreign minister of Egypt, expressed about initiatives to end the current crisis in Sudan. The Arab League’s initiatives and the Geneva process are examples of these attempts. The Egyptian government is making a concerted effort to become more involved in the settlement of the Sudanese conflict. In spite of the United Arab Emirates’ engagement in mediation efforts, it has collaborated with the U.S. administration to urge the Sudanese government to take part in peace negotiations.According to a spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Abdel-Aty gave the top…

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The United States has reportedly reiterated its support for Somalia in the war against Al-Shabaab, a group that has plagued the country for almost 20 years and caused suffering to both army soldiers and innocent civilians, according to official media. The US Africa Command has been directly involved in helping the Somali National Army (SNA) take on Al-Shabaab for the past 20 years. In the process, the SNA has secured numerous vital positions and severed the insurgents’ bodies. Colonel David Haskell, the US Army’s Special Operations Commander, declared that the US will not back down from its fight against Al-Shabaab…

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South Sudan Investigates Poaching Incident in Budi County The Ministry of Wildlife has launched an investigation into allegations of poaching in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State, which resulted in the death of eleven buffalo. Commissioner Mboya Akileo Peter initiated the inquiry, urging conservation authorities to address the situation by sending staff to prevent further poaching in the area. Akileo Peter emphasized that one of the major challenges in wildlife conservation in the region is the lack of law enforcement and public awareness campaigns. He suggested that increasing community education about wildlife protection is crucial for effective conservation efforts. The recent…

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The Ethiopian government is dedicated to providing Kenyans with further chances to invest in Ethiopia, according to Ethiopia’s ambassador to Kenya, Bacha Debele. Ethiopia and Kenya have reaffirmed their intention to strategically use Lamu Port and develop cooperative projects related to green energy and technology. The declaration was made in Nairobi during Ethiopia’s New Year’s 2017 celebrations, where both countries demanded more economic relations. Ambassador Bacha Debele of Ethiopia said, “We are committed to ensuring that Ethiopia remains an attractive destination for investors, with a stable and predictable economic landscape.” Mr bacha debele speaking to Kenyan media, emphasized the potential…

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A UN fact-finding mission’s request for the deployment of an international force to shield civilians from the ongoing civil war in Sudan has been turned down by the sudanese armed forces. The UN mission revealed that the warring parties in Sudan had violated civilians’ human rights in “harrowing” ways. Since the fight between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began in April 2023, thousands of people have died and almost eight million have been displaced.After working together to plot a coup, the two had a falling out that caused Sudan to enter a civil war.The head of…

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The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) launched the “largest drone attack” on El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, but the Sudanese army and its allies repelled it on Sunday. After besieging El Fasher since April, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attempted to take the city in May with a number of attacks, but the army and its allies repulsed them.According to combined forces leaders, the RSF and affiliated militias have launched about 131 attacks against the city. In addition to extensive destruction, the combat and RSF shelling have resulted in nearly 500,000 people being displaced and many civilian…

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According to party chairman Freeman Mbowe, a member of Tanzania’s opposition party, Chadema, was allegedly kidnapped, assaulted, and sprayed with acid before being discovered dead. A member of Chadema’s national secretariat named Ali Mohamed Kibao was kidnapped and forced at gunpoint on Friday while taking a bus from Dar es Salaam to Tanga. Party officials think the kidnapping was carried out by security personnel. The next evening, his body was found in the Ununio coastal district of Dar es Salaam. This terrible episode raises concerns about Tanzania’s declining democratic space as it comes after a spate of detentions involving leaders…

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According to medical professionals, Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) heavily artillery shelled a busy market in Sennar on Sunday, killing at least 21 and injuring over 70 more. After taking over Singa, the capital of Sennar state, in late June, the RSF has been fighting the army to take control of Sennar city.The major market of the city was the focus of the shelling, according to a statement from the Sudanese Doctors Network, who denounced it as a “massacre” of people.Witnesses and military sources told local media that the shelling targeted residential areas, a public transportation station, vegetable and fish markets,…

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The prime minister of Ethiopia warned, stating that anyone considering an invasion should “think 10 times” before proceeding since he expects any attack to be met with resistance. Although Abiy Ahmed made his remarks at a time when tensions with Egypt and Somalia, his neighbors, are on the rise, he did not specifically mention any country in his remarks.Following PM Abiy’s government’s signing of a maritime agreement with the breakaway region of Somaliland in January, Somalia denounced the agreement as an act of “aggression” and strengthened its military connections with Egypt.Although Somaliland’s one-sided separation from Somalia over thirty years ago, Somalia…

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Refugees Protest UN Food Aid Cutbacks at Gorom Refugee Settlement Camp On Friday, refugees at the Gorom Refugee Settlement Camp, located on the outskirts of Juba City, staged a protest in response to the United Nations’ recent reductions in food aid. Protest Over Food Aid Reductions Community leader Olang Okoth of the Anyuak Community in Ethiopia informed the media that approximately 3,000 refugees from Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, and other countries residing at the settlement will no longer receive food rations from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Food Programme…

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On the fringes of the Forum on China-Africa collaboration in Beijing on Friday, the Military Industry Corporation of Sudan and Poly Technologies of China inked a strategic collaboration agreement in defense.The media for the Sovereign Council claims that the deal will support and maintain Sudan’s defense and security preparedness.The initial round of raids by the Rapid Support Forces in April 2023 resulted in destruction and looting at many state-owned MIC locations in Khartoum.Sudan also inked contracts with China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) for the production of power.In a news release, Sudan’s Minister of Energy and Oil stated that the country’s…

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A timeline has been published by the Kenyan-led mediation effort aimed at bringing peace to South Sudan. It is anticipated that parties and stakeholders would sign the Tumaini accord in Nairobi on September 16.The schedule, which Reuters was allowed to view, lists the steps that will take place before the signing. From September 1st to 8th, President Salva Kiir and President William Ruto of Kenya will be in attendance at the China-Africa forum. They will take use of this chance to introduce regional leaders to the Tumaini program.On September 6, a group representing the parties and interested parties will visit…

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Puntland Security Forces Deport Ethiopian Nationals Amid Rising Tensions Puntland’s security forces have intensified deportations of Ethiopian nationals, with a particular focus on members of the Oromo ethnic group. This action is part of a broader effort coordinated by various security agencies to address growing security concerns in the region. Security Concerns and Deportation Efforts The deportations are a response to the increasing influx of immigrants seeking employment and concerns about possible links to terrorist organizations such as Daesh and Al-Shabaab. Puntland authorities have reported that the rising number of Oromo migrants poses a significant threat to the security of…

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Ethiopia Detains 49 Agency Owners in Human Trafficking Probe; Government and Diplomats Under Scrutiny The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) of Ethiopia has announced the detention of 49 agency owners as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged illicit human trafficking operations. The detentions were carried out in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Police, following a comprehensive study and monitoring of trafficking networks both domestically and internationally. Investigation and Findings According to a statement from NISS released to state media, the investigation revealed that nearly 15,000 Ethiopian nationals departed the country through unauthorized channels between August 2023 and June…

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Millions of people have been displaced by the civil conflict in Sudan; an international peacekeeping force is needed, according to a U.N. fact-finding mission. Both the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are cited in the report for grave violations, including assaults on civilians.The panel suggested that the U.N. Security Council extend the arms embargo to the entire nation and called for the deployment of “an independent and impartial force” to protect civilians. States that furnish weapons “may find themselves complicit in international war crimes,” it further said. The investigation, which was based on interviews with refugees and…

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Two significant Chinese businesses, specializing in satellite technology and ICT equipment manufacturing, have indicated interest in investing in Tanzania. This important action is a component of Tanzania’s larger plan to improve its digital infrastructure.Yesterday’s discussions with the investors were conducted by President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who is now attending the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, China. The talks focused on improving Tanzania’s technology skills and bolstering its digital economy. President Samia met with the two businesses as part of the planning for Tanzania’s satellite project, according to remarks made by Mohammed Khamis Abdulla, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry…

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A direct currency exchange deal has been established between Ethiopia and China in an effort to increase investment and trade between the two countries. Following talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, this decision was taken.Ahmed Shide, Ethiopia’s Minister of Finance, told state media that the deal calls for coordination between the central banks of the two nations in order to carry out the currency swap. Ahmed added that as part of the agreement, Chinese financial institutions would be able to conduct business in Ethiopia. He compared the proposal to a prior agreement signed with…

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Two senior Somali officials claim President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia declined a proposal to meet with Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed in Beijing, China. The Special Envoy of the African Union, Olusegun Obasanjo, the former president of Nigeria, and leaders of Djibouti and Mauritania also reportedly tried to mediate the talks, though they were unsuccessful. The federal government of Somalia had previously demanded that Addis Ababa renounce the contentious Memorandum of Understanding with the breakaway region of Somaliland before engaging in direct talks with Ethiopia.

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South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and President Xi Jinping of China met on Friday to discuss bilateral relations following the end of the China-Africa Forum. However, the main topics of conversation remain still under wraps. On August 31, Kiir took departure for Beijing. According to his office, he was primarily there to discuss bilateral ties with his counterpart Xi while attending the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in 2024. According to Lily Adhieu Martin, the presidential press secretary, the head of state would talk about matters of common interest between China and South Sudan, including trade and economics. In…

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UN Fact-Finding Mission Urges Expanded Arms Embargo and ICC Jurisdiction in Sudan In response to a long list of human rights violations committed during the ongoing conflict in Sudan, a United Nations fact-finding mission has called on the international community to extend both the arms embargo and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to cover the entire country. The mission’s initial report, released today, details numerous violations, including sexual assault, indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and arbitrary arrests by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). These actions may constitute crimes against humanity and war…

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The minister of interior of Puntland asserts that the Egyptian government is abusing the federal government of Somalia for its own benefit, with the main focus being on the dispute between Cairo and Addis Ababa on the Grand Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile.The ongoing battle between Ethiopia and Egypt on the Nile River, according to Puntland state’s interior minister Abdi Farah Said Juha, is what spurred the most recent unity between Cairo and Mogadishu.Juha stated, “Egypt has intervened in Somalia for its benefit. While they are fighting for the Nile, Ethiopia is concentrating on gaining access to water.” However,…

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In a bold effort to elevate Tanzania’s boxing standards, the government plans to recruit Cuban boxing instructors to train local coaches and enhance the skills of the national squad. By incorporating the renowned Cuban boxing style into Tanzania’s training program, this strategic move aims to prepare athletes for major upcoming international competitions. The proposal was outlined by Lukelo Willilo, President of the Boxing Federation of Tanzania (BFT), during a recent working session in Dodoma with Damas Ndumbaro, the Minister for Culture, Arts, and Sports. Willilo explained that the plan to hire Cuban trainers is part of a broader initiative to…

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A devastating fire broke out in one of the dormitories at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Kieni West, Nyeri County, resulting in the deaths of at least 17 students. Dr. Resilia Onyango, spokeswoman for the National Police Service, confirmed the incident and reported that 14 additional students, who sustained severe burns, have been hospitalized. The fire, which occurred on Thursday night, left the deceased students with severe burn injuries. The exact cause of the fire has not yet been determined. An investigation into the incident is underway. A team of police officials, including Martin Nyuguto, the Director of Homicide, and John…

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Tanzania is aiming to leverage the Asian Fruit Logistica trade show in Hong Kong as part of its ongoing endeavors to establish relationships with Chinese importers and investigate novel export prospects.The CEO of the Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), Dr. Jacqueline Mkindi, made this observation yesterday in a statement to the media regarding the sending of a prominent delegation to the trade show. The action follows China’s historic decision to open its vast market to avocados grown in Tanzania; TAHA sees this as the start of a new chapter for local avocado exports. She noted that the United Nations Food and…

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Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, the commander of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), and General Abebaw Taddese, his deputy, arrived in Jigjiga, the capital of Ethiopia’s Somali regional state.Security Chief Dayib Ahmednur, together with other local officials, received the delegation at the Jigjiga airport. Mustafe Omer is the president of the Somali regional state.The 47th anniversary festivities of the eastern Ethiopian command forces are being held in Jigjiga for the first time, and the high-ranking military leaders are there to take part. Field Marshal Birhanu Jula is also scheduled to open a new training center at the Garab’ase camp, which…

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In Beijing, President Kiir meets with President Isaias Afwerki of EritreaIn Beijing, President Salva Kiir and President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea convened to discuss strategies for strengthening their enduring bilateral partnership. The encounter demonstrated the strong friendship that has existed since South Sudan’s independence and has been characterized by many benefits exchanged over the years, according to a report released by the Office of the President on Wednesday. The two presidents, who are now in Beijing, have stated that they are keen to keep working together on issues of shared interest in order to advance the welfare of their respective…

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According to Sudanese government, Sudan inked agreements with Chinese enterprises on Wednesday for nuclear power, port, and airport projects. The African country is looking for investment to help revive its faltering economy. The agreements were revealed during a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Sudanese leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing. The agreements were signed by China Energy Engineering Group, a state-owned company that specializes in energy and infrastructure projects, and Sudan’s Energy and Mining Group, which is a member of the nation’s defense industry complex. According to the council statement, the…

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President Kilr meets in Beijing with President Dai Houliang of the CNPCTo increase the dwindling oil production, President Salva Kar and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) have discussed plans to develop an alternative oil pipeline from Ethiopia to Djibouti.This follows major effects on the nation’s oil export from the Sudan war, including the loss of a pipeline that carried 60% of the nation’s crude oil to Port Sudan. While in Beijing, President Kiir met with the company’s executives to discuss the new pipeline, which will improve export capacity and increase extraction in Blocks 3 and 7.According to his office, the…

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Athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has passed away following a fire attack allegedly carried out by her partner. She succumbed to burn injuries in the intensive care unit of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret. According to Dr. Owen Menach, interim director at MTRH, “Unfortunately, we lost her after all of her organs failed last night.” Dr. Menach added that the hospital would release a detailed report later in the day. Cheptegei’s alleged partner, Dickson Ndiema Marangach, reportedly doused her in gasoline and set her on fire, resulting in burns that covered 80% of her body, leading to severe organ…

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For the first time since May, Kenya’s private sector activity increased last month as a result of the recent anti-government protests abating. According to the Stanbic Bank Kenya Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) Report, August saw a little improvement in business conditions as the effects of the protests subsided and businesses were able to largely resume regular operations. The PMI increased from 43.1 in July to 50.6 in August, marking the first time since May, when the sector’s activity grew, that it has been above the 50 no-change line. A PMI reading of less than 50 denotes a decline and worsening…

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In order to continue responding to the growing humanitarian needs and displacement in Sudan, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is pleading with donors and the global community for more funding. Relief organizations says the latest rains caused the humanitarian situation in Sudan. After torrential rains caused the Arba’at dam in Sudan’s northeastern Red Sea State to collapse, many people are still missing. The United Nations humanitarian affairs department (OCHA) estimates that 50,000 individuals have been impacted. There are worries that the severe rains may affect up to 11 million people. IOM stated that after 500 days of a bloody…

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The government of Somalia reported today that over 19 AlShabaab militants have been eliminated in a successful operation carried out by government forces with the support of international partners in the country’s central regions.The Ministry of Information verified in a news release that the Somali National Army (SNA) launched a two-pronged operation aimed against militant strongholds with the support of foreign allies.The first procedure, which lasted more than twenty-four hours, was performed at Geed Ma’arke, a village in Middle Shabelle’s Ruunirgood district.It was said that militants had used this area to get ready for an impending strike. The government reported…

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Rebecca Cheptegei, an Olympian marathon runner from last month, reported being brutally attacked by her partner, resulting in burns over 75% of her body. According to a late-night police report, the Ugandan runner was hospitalized after her partner set her on fire. The attack occurred on Sunday afternoon at Cheptegei’s residence in Trans Nzoia County, western Kenya. The 33-year-old athlete is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Eldoret, Kenya. Police report that Dickson Ndiema Marangach, Cheptegei’s alleged attacker and partner from Kenya, broke into her home while she was at church and inflicted the injuries. Cheptegei’s parents mentioned…

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September will bring respite to Tanzanian drivers as fuel prices declined sharply, following the pattern of the already volatile worldwide pricing. According to a report released by the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA), gasoline, diesel, and kerosene prices have decreased by an average of 3.6 percent since August of this year. The reduction in retail and wholesale fuel prices will take effect on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. A statement endorsed by Dr. James Mwainyekule, the director general of Ewura, states that the retail price of gasoline in Dar es Salaam decreased from Sh3,231 per litre in August to…

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A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the revival project of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) railway was signed on Wednesday, in the presence of Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Samia Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania, and Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia.Samia and Hichilema are in Beijing, for the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 2024 SummitThe largest renovation of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority since Mao Zedong agreed to assist in its construction in the 1970s was inaugurated during a ceremony overseen by the chiefs of state of the three countries during the Forum on China Africa-Cooperation (FOCAC).The line connects the mines of Zambia…

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Ahead to the FOCAC meeting, Presidents Hassan Sheikh of Somalia and Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea met in Beijing. The two presidents had a fruitful conversation about important regional issues. They looked at ways to cooperate more effectively in the interests of both countries, fortifying their strategic bilateral ties even more. Since Eritrea has trained contingents of the National Army of Somalia’s land, air, and naval troops, ties between the two countries have grown stronger.

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Authorities in eastern Sudan reported on Monday that approximately 700 Sudanese nationals are stranded on both sides of the Gallabat border crossing between Sudan and Ethiopia as violence intensifies in neighboring Ethiopian districts. According to government sources, 321 individuals are stuck in Gallabat on the Sudanese side of the border, while around 400 others are trapped in the Metema Yohannes district of Ethiopia. The situation is further exacerbated by ongoing clashes between the Ethiopian military and the Fano militia in the Amhara region. The U.N. refugee agency announced on Friday that two Sudanese refugees had died due to cross-border firing.…

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Fighting between the two sides grew more intense in the region north of the city on Monday. The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) launched a violent offensive on a critical post near Khartoum Bahri, which was repulsed by Sudan’s army. Since the fighting started in April, the RSF has seized control of the majority of Khartoum Bahri; nevertheless, the army continues to hold critical camps in the region, including as the Signal Corps, the Khattab facility, and the Kadaro base.The media was informed by military sources that the RSF attacked the Khattab base and the outlying camp of Kadaro early…

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