In Makokou, a joint team from the Water and Forests administration, the Ogooué-Ivindo Judicial Police, and the NGO Conservation Justice apprehended E.R, M.F, and S.B.B on August 7, 2024. The suspects, including a Master Corporal at the Prison Guard and contract agents from the provincial directorate of Public Works, were found with six ivory points cut into twelve pieces, intended for sale.
The ivory, concealed in boxes, weighed 25.7 kg. At the time of their arrest, B.S.B confessed to purchasing two of the ivory points for illegal sale. Meanwhile, K.R and M.F claimed to have discovered two ivory points each in the forest but did not report them to the Water and Forests administration, and they also attempted to sell their finds unlawfully.
All three traffickers—B.S.B, K.R, and M.F—were found to be in illegal possession of ivory points and were attempting to sell them unlawfully. Under Articles 390 and 398 of the Penal Code, these actions are classified as offenses involving the possession and attempted sale of ivory without the necessary authorization from relevant authorities. Such offenses can result in a prison sentence of up to ten years.
According to Article 200 of the Forest Code, failing to report the discovery of ivory, as in the cases of K.R and M.F, constitutes a violation of regulations regarding found ivory.
M.F and S.B.B remain in custody at the Ogooué-Ivindo Judicial Police branch and have been transferred to Libreville for presentation to the Special Prosecutor’s Office. E.R, a Chief Corporal at Prison Security, has been handed over to his administration for further inspection.
This latest arrest underscores the ongoing issue of ivory trafficking in Gabon and highlights the urgent need for intensified control measures and public awareness efforts.