Somali Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs, and Reconciliation H.E Ali Yusuf Ali (Hosh) visited Türkiye and joined SETA’s conference on Somalia – Türkiye relations, achievements and challanges on security and stabilization.
Mr. Yusuf Ali spoke in the beginning of the conference and stated that Somalia is fighting comprehensively against the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, and they are trying to stabilize the regions.
He stressed that the Turkish government has always been a strong ally of Somalia in terms of military support
After conference, he answered Wall Africa Journal’s questions.
Q: Relations between Türkiye and Somalia are considered a non-partisan issue in Somalia. In this context, how do you assess the impact of Türkiye’s support for Somalia on political stability? What has been Türkiye’s role, particularly in political transition processes?
Mr. Yusuf Ali: Türkiye has been a big force in Somalia as a country. When it comes to politics, military, health, infrastructure, Türkiye has a big role in recovery of Somalia, for that we’re very grateful, we look forward to pay it back to people of Türkiye and the government of Türkiye. Türkiye always had a huge cultural influence in Somalia, now it is only getting bigger.
Q: What are the contributions of the military training provided by Türkiye to the Somali Armed Forces? Can you assess how this training has transformed the Somali army’s combat capacity against threats such as Al-Shabab?
Mr. Yusuf Ali: Turkish military support has been instrumental in fighting with al-Shabaab, liberating many Somali communities that have been suffering for a long time and training men and women for Somali Defence Forces. These forces that are training by Türkiye have been a big part in liberating communities, ensuring the security of many Somalis, and ensuring the order.
Q: What do you think about Türkiye’s support in the non-military areas such as development, infrastructure and social services in Somalia?
Mr. Yusuf Ali: Currently many agreements between Türkiye and Somalia are in security sector, but there are also many agreements on different sectors such as fishing, and petrolium. So that Türkiye is Somalia’s ally in many sectors.